Katrin Sif Jónsdottir Hársnyrtir ® Sprey Hárstofa

    Katrin Sif Jónsdottir Hársnyrtir

    Hársnyrtar í ReykjavíkReykjavíkMosfellsbær
    Háholt 13 15

    Katrin is a young hairstylist and a stylist. She has been working as a hairstylist for magazines, advertisements and other photo sessions and also has done some work for runway. She loves what she does, being creative and also a hard worker. No matter where she works, she helps to create a happy and fun atmosphere. She owns the salon Sprey located in Mosfellsbæ in Iceland. She has been to Los Angeles for a course at Sassoon Academy, and will hopefully learn more from them in the future. Katrin is interested in making more photo sessions and any other projects where she can use her knowledge and creativity to learn more and meet people. She is available for hair, make up, photo sessions, clothes and styling.