Guy Tal Photographer
![]() ![]() One of the most respected and widely emulated photographers working today . Since 2004, when yediot ahcronot Magazine poblished by the top jornlist tova goldblath in israel his first series of fashion photographs . Born in march 7, 1975 in israel on the border of tel aviv and jerusalem, guy tal spent his childhood in the rishon lezion town , kiryat ekron town , rehovot town and kibutz maagan . growing up , guy spent all of his free tim outdoors and todey also . Describing his work, isareli jornalist has said: "The most important quality in guy tal fashion photography is a forthright, almost shocking honesty. His models seem to open themselves emotionally to his camera. Amid the artifice, they seem real." guy tal was 8 when he picked up a camera for the first time . he began working independently as an advertising photographer. His early images were characterized by a preference for black and white film, which continues to comprise 70% of his work. They were ripe with spontaneity, and his models' expressions lacked the artifice prevalent in fashion. Considered one of the great masters of black and white photography, guy tal is acclaimed for his cinematic images, which have redefined the world of fashion photography with their compelling realism, lack of pretension and ineffable depth of emotion. |