Casey Bennett Portrait Photographer

    Casey Bennett Portrait Photographer

    Photographers in British ColumbiaBritish ColumbiaVictoria

    Casey Bennett is addicted to faces. Bennett grew up sketching portraits in Williams Lake, British Columbia. Here, he learned to shoot film by bringing his father’s old Pentax to rock shows. Through trial and error Bennett developed both a knowledge and affinity for photography: the camera became his new tool; portraiture, his obsession. How to extract emotion from a single image of the face? How to reinterpret the same image again and again and again? These questions drive Bennett’s current creative endeavors. Bennett currently resides in Victoria, British Columbia. You’ve likely seen him roaming the street (most-used camera model) in hand. Odds are he’s asked to take your photo―he may have even bribed you with a drink. Bennett plans to continue shooting and eventually make the move east to pursue personal projects. Casey Bennett is currently available for paid work.