International Modeling Agencies 412

    Modeling Agencies nominated in Modelisto as important in their country. Enlisted agencies offer work opportunities for new and aspiring models in the fashion and modelling industry. Models fitting the agency requirements can apply to join.

    Paparazzi model management started in 1983 and was the first model agency in Finland. It was founded by Laila Snellman, a former model herse
    HelsinkiInternational › Fabianinkatu 4 b 15

    Paparazzi model management started in 1983 and was the first model agency in Finland. It was founded by Laila Snellman, a former model herself, and is still running under her supervision for three decades. Paparazzi is the most successful agency of Finland and constantly provides co..

    Francina Models is a prominent modeling agency in Spain. Operating in Barcelona and Madrid, Francina in collaboration with FUniqueManagement
    BarcelonaInternational › Carrer de Còrsega 300

    Francina Models is a prominent modeling agency in Spain. Operating in Barcelona and Madrid, Francina in collaboration with FUniqueManagement provides a refined selection of talents that are fitted for the media, modeling and fashion industry.

    Talent Factory is an agency in New Delhi, India. Talent Factory operates since 2003 having a long experience in the fashion and entertainmen
    New DelhiMalviya Nagar › a 249, Shivalik Colony

    Talent Factory is an agency in New Delhi, India. Talent Factory operates since 2003 having a long experience in the fashion and entertainment industry. Talent Factory conducts and participates with Bollywood celebrities regularly in fashion shows such as International Ethnic Week, La-Finnese and Indian Bridal Fashion Week. Talent Factor..

    Established in 1978, G3 Model Agency is a name synonymous with the modelling and fashion industry. With Carl Heunis at the helm, together wi
    JohannesburgBraamfontein › 125 Smit Street

    Established in 1978, G3 Model Agency is a name synonymous with the modelling and fashion industry. With Carl Heunis at the helm, together with senior booker Taryn Cannings, they have over 30 years experience booking the highest calibre models, including multiple Miss South Africa winners and a litany of major ce..

    UAB Europos Centro modelių agentūra įkurta 2002 metais. Agentūros įkūrėja Kristina Šumskienė. Nuo pat įkūrimo pradžios agentūros tikslas, at
    KaunasInternational › Palangos g. 20 1

    UAB Europos Centro modelių agentūra įkurta 2002 metais. Agentūros įkūrėja Kristina Šumskienė. Nuo pat įkūrimo pradžios agentūros tikslas, atrasti jaunus, gražius žmones, tinkamus modelio profesijai ir atverti jiems vartus į pasakišką Mados ir Modelių Pasaulį. Per ilgametį ir profesionalų agentūros darbą, EC..

    Международное модельное агентство. Select Deluxe Model Management основано в 2007 году. Наши офисы расположены в России (Санкт-Петербург) и
    Saint PetersburgInternational › Prospekt Bolshoy ps 100

    Международное модельное агентство. Select Deluxe Model Management основано в 2007 году. Наши офисы расположены в России (Санкт-Петербург) и Германии (Дюссельдорф). Коллектив агентства - профессионалы, обладающие необходимыми знаниями и опытом для ведения карьеры модели как в нашей стране, так и за рубежом. ..

    Мы сотрудничаем с крупнейшими российскими рекламными компаниями и именитыми дизайнерами. Наши модели успешно делают карьеру, как в России, т
    MoscowInternational › 1 й Тружеников Переулок 4

    Мы сотрудничаем с крупнейшими российскими рекламными компаниями и именитыми дизайнерами. Наши модели успешно делают карьеру, как в России, так и за рубежом. Немногие модельные агентства Москвы дают своим моделям уникальные возможности оказаться на самых известных показах за границей. Наше агентство активно ..

    MIKAs, founded by Mika Kjellberg in 1986, is one of Scandinavia's leading agencies. Throughout the years Mika Kjellberg herself has became s
    StockholmInternational › Birger Jarlsgatan 37

    MIKAs, founded by Mika Kjellberg in 1986, is one of Scandinavia's leading agencies. Throughout the years Mika Kjellberg herself has became synonymous with the modeling industry in Sweden and has together with her staff has succeeded in building an organization respected for its great scouting, internationally renowned models, amazing ha..

    KULT ist Männer pur - Deutschlands Agentur, die nur auf die Vermittlung männlicher Models spezialisiert ist. Seit August 2001 betreut KULT n
    HamburgHopfensack › Hopfensack 19

    KULT ist Männer pur - Deutschlands Agentur, die nur auf die Vermittlung männlicher Models spezialisiert ist. Seit August 2001 betreut KULT nationale und internationale Kunden, immer mit dem richtigen Feeling für den Markt und für aktuelle Trends, um so für beide Seiten das optimale Ergebnis zu erzielen! Män..

    Since opening our doors in September 1995, we at Ace Models, have strived to work with vitality and dynamism in every project we undertake.
    AthensMakrigianni Str › 3 Makrigianni Str.

    Since opening our doors in September 1995, we at Ace Models, have strived to work with vitality and dynamism in every project we undertake. Today we are the largest modeling agency in Greece, with numerous successes to our credit. From the outset, we have worked with the leading magazines, production houses, adv..