Sminkur í Kópavogi 2
Makeup Artists í Kópavogi available for fashion, beauty and bridal makeup. Modelisto is building a catalogue with the “greatest modeling professionals in the world”. To be included or create a for your fashion team.

Eva Hrönn is a make-up artist based in iceland. She has worked as a professional make-up artist since 2007 and in that time she has worked for numerous photographers, musicians and companies like Toyota, Kjörís, Sóma, Foss, Zimsen, VR, Vjórskólinn, Vínskólinn, fm957, X-ið, Bylgjan, Lára, Skálmöld and more. ..

Selma is a makeup artist based in Kópavogur, Iceland. She has been working as a makeup artist and a hairstylist for few years now. Her work experience includes working with fashion photographers in NYC, fashion shows as well as weddings. She loves makeup and hair because it gives you freedom to create a bea..