Modelky v České republice 8
Models v České republice available for photoshoot. Modelisto is building a catalogue with the “greatest modeling professionals in the world”. To be included or create a for your fashion team.

Tomas Klik is a student of pharmacy as well as a certified personal trainer and IFBB Men’s Physique professional competitor. In 2013 he won the Arnold Classic Amateur in Columbus and it allowed him to become a professional competitor. Right now he has ended the third year of his stu.. 5′11ʺ / 180cm 1990
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Marta is a model based in the Czech Republic, currently living in Brno or travelling. She has been working as model for some years and is experienced. Available for fashion and print projects internationally. Hosteska/promo Spolupráce s agenturami: Ariana, Entity production, Ambrosi.. 5′8ʺ / 173cm 1989

Ivana Cermakova is a professional full-time model from Czech republic. Ivana is also an organizer of international photography events. She has more than 10 years of experience in the business (5 years internationally). Ivana is known for her professionalism as well as her cheery and easygoing character. She is a.. 5′9ʺ / 175cm 1991

Hi, my name is Julie Silvero. I am model and the owner of model agency Vission shoots CZ in Brno, Czech republic: I also organize model sharing and photography workshops Julie has modeled for: New Models - Athens, Greece, S Ajans - Istanbul, Turkey, Look Models - Istanbul, Turkey, Cover Mode.. 5′11ʺ / 180cm 1991

Jsem kadeřnice a zároveň hodně zručná v líčení. Mám už docela dost zkušeností s foto modelingem. Je to můj velký koníček a ráda bych se tím i živila. Šla jsem i pár módních přehlídek. Učím se sama ve photoshopu, ikdyž teď na to moc nemám čas. Jsem vášnivá chovatelka terarijních zvířat. 5′6ʺ / 168cm 1987

Dasha Marlen passion is vintage era (30´s and 40´s). She live in this lifestyle, shoot pin up, vintage glamour, portraits, army propagacy etc. She has experience with commercial shootings, vintage fashion shows, pin up parties, hair shows and pin up possessing. She likes dancing (classic balley, jazz dance,.. 5′3ʺ / 160cm 1993