Rik Pennington Photographer

    Rik Pennington Photographer

    Photographers in LondonLondonBanning Street
    28 Banning Street

    Rik Pennington is a destination wedding photographer covering weddings in the UK, Europe and world wide. His style of wedding photography is best described as creative reportage with contemporary portraiture. Good reportage wedding photography is as much an art form as highly posed fashion photography. Knowing where to be at the right time is crucial and is something that experience teaches you. Being in the right place at the right time is critical, but more important is seeing the right light. He is also a big advocate of bride and groom portraits. He engages couples with each other to promote interaction and togetherness. Couples respond so much better to each other and this always creates the right result. He wants to create a moment between a couple that looks natural and unforced